Six months after building this website, I figured its time to keep up the efforts and show my latest exploits and exposures.
Much has changed in my life, photography has remained a constant. Always there for me to shape and expose the world the way I see fit. Its interesting how images can evoke emotion in all of us in many different ways. That is the my favorite thing about photography.
Much has changed in my life, photography has remained a constant. Always there for me to shape and expose the world the way I see fit. Its interesting how images can evoke emotion in all of us in many different ways. That is the my favorite thing about photography.
For example, this image, made the day after Thanksgiving this year by my brother (he's quite the talent, his eye is inspiring) We took a trip into Yosemite Valley, just the two of us. He is my oldest friend, (twin brother) it had been almost a year since I saw him last, I was really excited to see him and explore my favorite place with him. Normally, I find myself wandering the horizontal of Yosemite with my eyes on the vertical. Always in search of a new route to climb. This time, however, I was there to enjoy this beautiful Valley with Kevin and make some photos. We both made some great exposures, my favorite of the day is the one above. Kevin made this one of me looking toward the Valley from the Hwy. 41 tunnel. Simple, symmetrical, I love this shot. The light at the end of the tunnel.